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  • Increased Website Functionality, Decreased Headaches

    website functionality

    Increasing your website functionality can help lighten your workload.

    Do you have a website but you find yourself constantly updating it to make it functional?  Or, worse yet, do you have a website that you can’t update without paying costly fees, rendering your website less than functional?  With the capabilities of technology today, there’s no reason you should be stressing about the time or money required to make your website useful for you and your customers.  Do you have customers who need to apply for memberships or fill out other forms for your business?  Too often, businesses are trying to simplify the process for their customers by providing applications online, but then customers have to print them off and mail them in or deliver them in person.  As a consumer, it can feel like the only one benefiting from that process is the company, which now didn’t have to pay for the ink and paper to print the application.  There are easy-to-use tools that can be integrated into your website that allow customers to complete and submit applications and other forms online.  The form information is immediately e-mailed to whomever you designate to be the recipient, and the customer’s work is done.  “But I need to collect a payment at the time of application,” you say.  No problem, payment processing can be integrated with the forms as well.

    Or perhaps your website functionality struggle is a little different.  Maybe you offer classes and want your customers to be able to, in real time, check the availability of seating and register for the class.  Right now that process might be that you provide a list of classes on your website, customers submit requests to join the class, you receive the requests, you check the availability and respond to the request (in all your spare time), and then you update the class availability on your website manually.  Instead, the process could be simplified to allowing customers to register online using a tool that updates the availability and notifies you of the registration automatically.

    The list of ways to improve website functionality could go on and on.  And while, unnecessarily overworking yourself with something your website could be doing for you is terrible, the inability to use it in a functional way at all is even worse.  If you can’t even manually update your class availability (etc.) because you’re afraid of the associated fees from your website provider, why even pay for a site that isn’t acting as the tool you need?  Your website is not just a marketing avenue; it’s a tool that should make life easier for both you and your customers.  If you have any questions or ideas about how to make your website work for you, please feel free to contact us.