• 419-571-0858
  • Keep Your Site Fresh

    site fresh

    Make an effort to keep your site fresh.

    Even if you’re not the kind of website owner who likes to post a weekly blog or a monthly newsletter, it’s still important to keep your site fresh.  You don’t want people visiting your website just to see that you have outdated information.  You want your online presence to put your best foot forward.  If you have old events listed on your site and none of the new or a “latest news” section where the most recent article is from 2015, visitors may wonder how much they should care about your organization when they get the impression that you don’t care.

    Even minor changes can make your site fresh.  Update a few of your pictures occasionally to give it a revitalized look.  And, even though you know what it says already, check out your own site once in awhile.  Perhaps you’ve made some minor changes to your organization, pricing, policies, etc. since the last time your site was updated – check it out to make sure everything is accurate.  For instance, now that we’re in February, have you checked your site?  Many websites have a copyright or “all rights reserved” date in the footer.  Does yours still say 2016?  After several years, it might even be time for a complete site overhaul.  Does your site need a new look or feel or added functionality?  If your website needs updates, whether big or small, it would be our pleasure to help you – contact us.