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  • Online Payments

    online payments

    Make paying you convenient to your patrons by accepting online payments.

    Many small businesses and organizations are looking for ways to grow and improve.  Nonetheless, many times growth and improvement mean increased costs that have to be considered.  Perhaps your organization only accepts cash and/or checks, even though your patrons have been requesting to use their credit or debit cards.  Accepting this type of payment can satisfy your patrons and, perhaps, increase their spending potential.  While contracting for merchant services may not be cost effective for your organization, there are simpler ways to accept card transactions.  One way is via online payments.

    There are many easy, secure ways to accept online payments with minimal fees.  (I know, sometimes the word “fees” can be scary.  But remember, the payment processor is a business too.  They have to make money to keep providing you services.  So as long they’re within your acceptable threshold – have no fear, just be informed!)  You can simply have payment processing integrated into your organization’s website.  PayPal, for example, will process your patron’s online payments for a fee of 2.9% + $0.30 per transaction.  As a small organization, it can be difficult to want to give away 2.9% of your hard-earned income.  But, while PayPal will take $43.80 of your $1,500 transaction, perhaps your patron would not have spent/donated that much without being able to use a credit or debit card.

    There are various processors out there that can help your organization accept online payments.  Just make sure you do your research and read all about the fees so you know what to expect and whether it’s right for you.  At Design by Cline, we want to help your organization as you grow and improve.  We can integrate online payment processing into your website.  Contact us today to learn more!