• 419-571-0858
  • It’s Your Business – Own It!

    own it

    It’s your business; don’t let others own it.

    When you’re running a small business or  (sometimes even more crucial) starting one, it can be a struggle to determine what your company should look like.  Oftentimes, you find yourself fighting against what you think is best and what might seem to be a financial motivator for the company.  People outside of your company, and sometimes even inside, may be telling you that you should be offering other products or services or that you’re alienating specific types of customers because of the way you’re running your business.  But that’s the beauty of a small business; you’re the boss – so own it!

    I’m sure throughout life you’ve heard inspiration quotes like “In a world where you can be anything, be yourself.”  Hopefully, you’ve been able to live that in your personal life, but don’t stop there.  When you run a small business, you’ve created a world where you can be anything.  Don’t be afraid to be yourself.  Sure there might be people who won’t do business with you because of your beliefs and who you are.  (Everything is not for everyone.)  But being genuine and passionate about your business because you know who you are and you own it will also inspire lifelong customers who will excitedly endorse and promote your business.  And, at the end of the day, you’ll feel better about running your business your way than you will about making a few extra bucks.  Isn’t that why you wanted to run a small business anyway, to own it?

    We’d love to help you be you – contact us.